How To Connect CCTV Camera To Your Phone

How To Connect CCTV Camera To Your Phone? One of the biggest causes of concern in India today is the crime rate. This is especially daunting for both home and business owners. Feeling insecure in your own home or place of business is no easy feat. It doesn’t matter whether you’re living alone or with family; safety can’t be assured until you take charge of the situation.

According to the National Crimes Record Bureau, a total of 60,96,310 crimes were registered in India.

Needless to say, this raises a lot of questions about how homeowners can protect themselves and their families. One effective solution for at least keeping an eye out for danger is installing CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) cameras. Using CCTV can prove to be an underrated advantage in 2022.

The biggest benefit of using a CCTV camera is its accessibility. This means that wherever you are, you can easily access the footage of what’s happening around your home. How? By connecting the CCTV camera to your phone.

A CCTV camera for your home with mobile connectivity will go a long way in making you and your loved ones feel secure about where they are living. Now, let’s talk about how you can connect your CCTV camera to your phone.


CCTV Camera Technology

A digital CCTV camera is a highly efficient device. It works with NVR (Network Video Recorder) and is easy to install without any help. The NVR is a rectangular device that is the primary component of the camera.

The camera is powered by the networking cable plugged into the NVR. The said cable is also responsible for transferring video data as digital signals. At the back of the NVR, you will see the following things:

  • A fan
  • A power button
  • A power cable
  • LAN port for the Internet
  • USB port for the mouse
  • HDMI port
  • VGA (Video Graphics Array) port
  • An audio-in and audio-out plug-ins
  • LAN ports for all the cameras
  • Blinking lights on the LAN ports that indicate the power and data transfer
  • A two TB hard disk that can hold two to three weeks’ worth of full HD recordings

Steps to Connect the CCTV Camera to Your Phone

The NVR will be connected to a monitor where you will be shown the footage from the camera. Now let’s go through the steps you need to follow to connect the CCTV camera to your mobile phone.

First, log into the NVR system by entering the Unlock pattern. Once you’re in, select the ‘configuration’ option from the menu.

Then, go to the network section and click on the ‘platform access’ button. In the drop-down menu, you will see two QR codes. If you don’t have the phone app, find the QR code on the screen that you can use to download it. If you don’t see a QR code, download the app from the Play Store.

On the phone app, go to ‘devices’ and click on the ‘plus’ button. Select ‘Scan QR Code’ from the drop-down menu. Use the scanner to scan the QR code on the NVR monitor. This will connect the NVR system to the smartphone application.

Now you can use the mobile phone app to see the camera footage no matter where you are. All you need is an internet connection. Most companies have a feature that allows you to review and playback the footage of the camera.

How To Connect CCTV Camera To Your Phone
How To Connect CCTV Camera To Your Phone

Benefits of Connecting CCTV Camera to Your Phone

One obvious advantage of connecting the CCTV camera to your phone is that you can access the footage from anywhere in the world. Some more benefits of connecting your CCTV camera to the phone are:

  • A CCTV camera for a home with mobile connectivity will allow you to take precautions in time to stop criminal activity.
  • If you notice something unusual, you can alert the police.
  • If someone is inside the house while you suspect criminal activity, you can let them know, so they are not caught off guard. This will allow them to take action to protect themselves.
  • If you’re looking for more security, find a wireless CCTV camera with mobile connectivity. Not only will this make the installation process painless, but it will also allow you to connect to public wifi and access the camera in case your cell phone has no reception.

Now that we’ve walked you through the steps for connecting your CCTV camera to your phone, we hope you will feel more at ease while you’re away from home.

If you require any type of consultation or guidance with your CCTV camera and how to navigate it, please submit the form on our website to help us reach you. Also, you can chat with us through our website if you need assistance.

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