We start security company
We are here because we believe that Cameras can do much more than what they are doing today. Unfortunately, there is a large percentage of organizations that still buy CCTVs only to fulfill the compliance requirements & think, investing money in Surveillance equipment is a dead investment. Most often, these organizations don’t even know if their cameras are in working condition or not, leave alone, getting benefits out of CCTV Cameras.

We have experienced expert
Dynamic Security Solutions is committed towards innovation of high quality products and implementation. By using the state of the art technology we offer our customers a world class rang of robust durable, reliable and high technology surveillance equipment.

We win the national awards
Very few Organizations have started exploring Monitoring services provided by some E-surveillance companies which randomly monitor CCTV Cameras & claim to reduce Man guarding cost & provide Security. These E-surveillance companies fail for two reasons; Monitoring Cameras without any Analytics leads to a high amount of miss outs as it is humanly impossible to monitor hundreds of Cameras by limited Monitoring executives. Moreover, limitations in the ability of humans to vigilantly monitor video surveillance footage, leading to an extremely high fatigue rate, which leads to inefficient monitoring. Humans watching a single video monitor for more than twenty minutes lose 95% of their ability to maintain attention sufficient to discern significant events. With two monitors this is cut in half again. Given that many facilities have dozens or even hundreds of cameras, the task is clearly beyond human ability which makes only Monitoring companies less effective..

We get high level success
Having immense knowledge & experience in the field of Surveillance Industry; we have started our journey to fulfill our dream of making cameras from a dead investment to the most valuable asset for any organization.