CCTV Camera Overview

Worldwide Dsecsolutions is merchant and merchant of multi brands CCTV (HD and IP) cameras that can be utilized by different parts like shopping centers, stores, workplaces and numerous different spots. These cameras accompanied better picture quality, simple arrangement of extra system choices, remote video recording, and remote observing. 


Motion Detection

Motion detection is one of the major benefits of CCTV. On-demand recording is one of the most useful features in modern CCTV systems. It is especially useful in infrequently-accessed areas, where continuous recording throughout the day will provide you with tens of hours of footage of a door and maybe thirty seconds of people coming and going.


Two-Way Audio

Two-way Audio is one of the more overlooked advanced CCTV features. Two-way audio allows the operator in the control room to converse with the person in front of the CCTV camera. The conversation itself can be recorded and archived, just like any other kind of footage.

Latest Technology

Facial Recognition

New age technology is one of the advantages of CCTV and this is where facial recognition comes into play. Facial recognition is to human faces what ANPR is to vehicle number plates: it enables a CCTV security system to match a person’s face with an internal database record, telling you *who* just passed before the camera.

Benefits With Our Service

Our Technicians believe in the value that give you high quality of technology for your building security. We have specialist for installing security system in your address at on time. They are highly trained for quickly response and provide great service to the our customers. We feel that our Experts are give profitability and success of our business growth & marketing.